Babies at Greater Risk for Significant Head Injury

Babies and young children are at nearly twice the risk of head injuries compared to children of other age groups.  Head injuries are a major problem for babies as the injuries can cause serious and irreversible effects at a young age.  The heads of babies and toddlers are not as formed,  and thus are more likely to sustain serious injury.

Many of the head injuries are attributed to a lack of parental supervision around the house,  however many head injuries can occur because of a variety of reasons.   Car seats that are not properly designed are one source of head injuries.  Poor supervision at day cares or other locations is another significant cause of these types of accidents.

It is important to take all the necessary steps to ensure this type of injury never occurs.

Child injuries are very serious and can leave a parent feeling helpless.  If your child has been injured in an accident,  please contact the child head injury attorney Jeffrey Killino at 877-875-2927 to learn how he can help.